The improvement of broadband services is seen by many in the village as one of our highest priorities. We will use this page to keep everyone up to date with any developments.
Superfast Broadband: The infrastructure for this is being provided by BT, working under contract to Superfast North Yorkshire, a County Council organisation. Representatives of SFNY have attended parish council meetings to report on progress; most recently, at the Annual Parish Meeting in May 2015, they confirmed that, subject to detailed technical investigations, an upgrade in services for Draughton is included in phase 2 of the roll-out project and could be available in December 2016. Further reports will be made to us as necessary. Use this link to view SFNY’s presentation:
Broadband presentation by SFNY May 2015
Other options for faster broadband: As noted at the end of the presentation, there are other means of accessing faster services.
Satellite broadband services have been available locally for some time from a number of providers. These may deliver better speeds than those currently available and can be researched on line.
Wireless broadband services may be available in the local area shortly. Find out more about this option by going to and see the prospectus and marketing leaflet of local provider LN Communications here:
LNC Wireless Broadband Prospectus
LNC ilovebroadband New Community 2 leaflet master
See here a letter sent by the Parish Council to all village residents, giving full details of these options.
Ltr to residents re superfast broadband 3
We will post here any further information, including newsletters and reports received from SFNY.
SFNY May newsletter:
North Yorkshire goes Superfast!
Phase 1 is now complete.
We are pleased to tell you that Phase 1 of the Superfast North Yorkshire programme has been completed. We have delivered over 25Mbps to at least 77% of the ‘intervention area’ – the area not covered by BT and Virgin’s commercial investment. Building on BT’s commercial fibre investment, nearly 90% of North Yorkshire homes and businesses now have access to fibre broadband.
But we are not finished yet; North Yorkshire County Council is committed to providing high quality broadband to 100% of premises by the end of 2017. |
More to come in Phase 2
We have secured an additional £8m funding (from BDUK, ERDF and NYCC) which will be spent with BT on Phase 2 of the project to provide a further 11,100 premises with fibre broadband speeds of over 25Mbps.
Phase 2 will be completed by the end of 2016.
Find out if Superfast Broadband is coming to your area as part of Phase 2 by looking at our new interactive map. This also includes the ability to check the wireless provider offerings. |
When a cabinet has a sticker on it, that means its accepting orders..
For all cabinet geeks (we know you’re out there!), tweet us your cabinet pictures and they’ll be awards for the most scenic and also the most mundane! |
So how do I get it?
Nothing happens automatically. If you’re in an area that has already been enabled then speak to your service provider about upgrading to a fibre package. |
Openreach engineers have deployed around 10,000 kilometres of optical fibre cable – further than York to Tokyo (distance 9370 Km). As a result the project has delivered 1000 fibre cabinets [of which 330 are commercial cabinets] involving more than 2,300 engineers clocking up an estimated half a million man hours of work. |
Final Phase 1 cabinet launch
April saw the installation of the 1000th cabinet in Masham – the last cabinet in Phase 1 |