To ascertain the views of the residents of Draughton, a Questionnaire was compiled and circulated to every household. This Questionnaire comprised a mixture of “tick box” responses, which enabled statistical data to be accumulated, supplemented by a number of open ended questions designed to give respondents a more general opportunity to air their views on the topics covered in the Questionnaire. There was also a short Questionnaire for under 18s and responses were gathered from a representative of the residential care home in the Village, the Dales Care Centre.
Of the 103 Questionnaires circulated in the Summer of 2008, an astonishing 86 were completed and returned – an 84% response rate. The data and subjective responses of this high return have been accurately extracted to represent the views of the community and so establish the final Parish Plan as a credible and reliable representation of the views of the community as a whole.
The statistics used in the Plan are up to date as of August 2008.
In the Autumn of 2008, an Open Event was held in the Village Hall to enable the residents to see the progress to date and importantly to give everyone an opportunity to make any additional comments. Some of these comments are quoted in the various sections of the Parish Plan. Approximately 50 people visited the Open Event and in addition to comments on specific issues, the general feedback was one of overwhelming support for the project and a desire to see tangible benefits for the community arising from it in the future.
The Parish Plan comprises separate sections covering a range of issues. Each section concludes with one or more action points which are summarised at the end of the document.