Next Meeting of Parish Council – 14 December at 7pm
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 14 December at 7pm. The agenda and papers are published on the Meeting Papers page of this site. Please note that the Council will also be considering the following
Church Service – 6 December
St Augustine's has now re-opened and a service of Morning Prayer will be held on Sunday 6 December at 9.30am. The church is fully risk-assessed and covid-safe procedures are followed for all our services.
Christmas Competition!
Norman the Gnome has dressed up for Christmas! But we need to help him get in the mood - he really wants to dress up the little blossom tree near the trough as well. Let's give him a helping hand
Christmas comes to Draughton!
Christmas may be a strange and stunted thing this year, but our tree is a stunner! The houses nearby and Norman's well are lit up as well - what a lovely display to help us all feel festive in these
Draft Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 9 November
The draft minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 9 November are now available on the Minutes page of this site.
Remembrance Sunday
There will be an outdoor commemoration of Remembrance on Sunday at 2pm at St Augustine's. Please see the posters on the noticeboards and below. Remembrance
Pandemic restrictions
Revised restrictions are set to be introduced by the Government on Thursday, as measures are taken to control the rate of increase of the coronavirus pandemic across the whole country. People are being told to stay at home if at all
Next meeting of Parish Council – 9 November
The agenda and papers for the next meeting of the Parish Council, due to be held on Zoom on 9 November at 7pm, are now available on the Meeting Papers page of this site. Please note that any members of the
Services at St Augustine’s
Church services in Draughton will resume again on a weekly basis, following the pattern below with effect from 11 October: 1st Sunday in month - Holy Communion 9.30am 2nd Sunday in month - Morning Prayer 9.30am 3rd Sunday in month - Holy Communion
Height Lane Roadworks – 19 -28 October
Height Lane will be closed for roadworks for 8 days (excluding weekends) from 19 October. Road closure - Height Lane