Warning: Control of Dogs
There has been a recent incident of a lamb being savaged by a loose dog. Please make sure that dogs are kept under control at all times.
Warning – Recent break-ins
We are passing on a warning to everyone to be extra careful to lock up sheds, garages and outhouses at the moment. There have been a couple of recent incidents locally.
Grants for community projects
Our County Council and District Council ward representatives both have grant money available this year to support community projects. If anyone has any ideas or proposals for projects which would benefit the village, please contact the parish clerk using the contact
Warning – Car Crime
Please be extra vigilant - there has been a recent incident involving car theft and vandalism in the local area.
Organ Donation – our village champion!
We have our very own village champion in Mike Gibbons, who is busy winning gold medals in the cause of promoting organ donation. See our Community page for more information.
Traffic Survey
At the meeting on 2 July, the Parish Council decided to survey opinion in the village about a number of road safety issues. The results of the survey were considered at the meeting on 16 September. See a report on the
Winter Weather
A recent Look North news feature highlighted the plight of some of our households, cut off during periods of snowy weather. Please see (on the news post on this site - click on the title above) a copy of a
Village Contact List
We are updating our village contact list, and a letter inviting the registration (or confirmation) of contact details has been distributed to all households in the community. If you have not received your letter, or would like another copy, please